Our Winter Walk …. In The Woods

On Friday we FINALLY were able to take our walk in the woods! I usually do this walk on the first day of the new season….. but with rain on December 21 and snow days- we didn’t have a chance until February 22! I always tell the students if we can be super quiet we would have a better chance at seeing wildlife…. but it’s impossible to be that quiet with 25 students. Most of the students LOVE the walk and love looking at nature. Whatever animals were there…. had plenty of opportunity to “get away” before we got too close!  At least we got to see their tracks and we had a great time!

The Outdoor Discovery Center has many great trails and outdoor activities to experience. The Maple Trees will be tapped soon for sap, there are bird watching experiences planned and beach clean ups at the shoreline. If interested, check out the website for all the activities!

What we noticed…. on the first day of winter (12/21/16)

Our walk in the woods on 12/21/16 was more brisk than the fall walk, however, we noticed many new

things.  We saw holes in the snow, bunny tracks, a bunny burrough, bunny poop, snow, gray skies, just a little grass poking through the snow, people tracks, and the pond was frozen.  Three people think they saw deer tracks, but the group decided it was bunny tracks. 🙂